Be. Pure | Nada Yoga/ Yoga of Sound

Be Pure Nada Yoga Yoga of Sound Appleton

Be. Pure is an invitation to explore the world where yoga and sound meet to create deep and lasting healing.

Purify your body, mind and soul in this gentle practice that threads together asana (postures) and the ancient practice of “pure” sound with Tibetan singing bowls. The vibrations will resonate into the deepest layers of your being to promote health, well-being, harmony and peace.

You will have the opportunity to play your own singing bowl during a few postures which is super fun and easy! The offering will end with a restorative sound journey during savasana.

All levels welcome!

Where: Be. You Yoga Studio
Guided by Deb Sommerhalder
Cost: $25
Maximum Participants: 6

If you have never experienced the power of sound and singing bowls, Deb is a fantastic guide. Frequency and vibration have the ability to unlock areas of physical, mental, and emotional tension, making them the perfect complimentary tool to take your yoga practice to an entirely new, restorative level.

We encourage you to bring friends and family to make this extra fun!

Nada yoga is about you and how you relate to yourself, how you inhabit your body, how you align your mind, how you express your soul.” ~ Russill Paul

YogaFletcher Marron