What are community waiver services?
Be’s Community Program Service Waiver services are specific programs in which the professionals at Be. can assist children with disabilities and their families with social supports and services that can help children grow and live their best lives and families flourish.
Children or families who wish to take advantage of these services may be eligible to use a Medicaid waiver to pay for them. A waiver lets states use Medicaid to fund additional non-medical services and holistic supports that can be incredibly nourishing and engaging, but are not normally offered.
To learn more about CLTS or IRIS, please click on the buttons below.
Keeping our offerings and services accessible is an important part of our mission.
Be. partners with waiver support services such as CLTS and IRIS as a way to support and allow clients with unique and special abilities and needs to access our services.
Be. believes that all populations should have access to the care they determine is the right fit for their needs, and waiver support services allow clients to be involved in that process and to access supports that may not otherwise be available.
some of our current partnerships
Be. can offer a variety of different ways to get involved and offer new and exciting ways for the community to get involved.
We crafts and create offerings based on your requests and direction and pair them with our team of practitioners knowledge and skill. Some of our offerings have been created solely by practitioner design. Others like Be. Exceptional, were created with input from our clients who were looking a certain type of offering. We want to work with YOU to determine how we can best support your individual or group needs and then collaborate to build the services or offerings that are ideally suited to meet your goals and create a unique and nourishing experience.
Rethinking Community Mental Health
At Be. we make it a priority to meet everyone we are working with, be it an individual, school, organization, wherever they are in the current moment. We strive to tailor our approach to health and healing around our client's unique needs rather than attempting to fit the client around a predetermined approach.
One of the ways we do this is by creating unique opportunities to bridge the gap between traditional mental health services and our local community. We know mental health care involves more than a one-on-one traditional talk therapy approach. It begins in our homes, affects our children in their schools, and spreads in to many different facets of our lives. That is why we aim to provide a holistic approach that recognizes the multitude of ways these elements shape and influence our path to healing and better health.
Family Support Services
Be.’s Family Support Services are individualized to the needs of the family being served and serve as a wrap-around approach to help the family unit function optimally based on their needs. These services will provide the family with strategies and education to enhance interpersonal and relational skills and increase support for parents/caregivers and children. They are appropriate for family dynamics that are struggling due to social, emotional, behavioral, and/or mental health challenges. This service can be used to also help families obtain additional services and navigate the complex systems that serve children.
Comprehensive Continuity of Care
Be. Specialized in an opportunity to consult with and coordinate services with the professionals at Be. in order to design and create a customized, uniquely-tailored individualized service structure or group offering for a child, family, group, organization, or unique population. Our individualized approach makes our services accessible to all. Be.’s group offerings, and service menus can be templated to fit more generalized needs or created to serve and support more specialized interests, needs, and populations.
Professional Services for School Systems
Be. Schooled is a professional mental health support service that offers direct and indirect services to school systems to help support a healthy academic, social, and behavioral environment for students and staff. The goal of this process is to provide professional mental health guidance that will help school districts determine what services will best support the students. After direction is determined we can also help coordinate and deliver the appropriate support structure to address the needs present.

Regular Offerings for Our Community
At Be. we make it a priority to meet each client where they are. We strive to tailor and fit our approach around our clients’ unique needs rather than attempting to fit the client around a predetermined treatment approach.
One of the ways we do this is by crafting speciality group offerings. Many of our yoga offerings are actually offerings that clients requested!
Be. Exceptional was created because a group of wonderful mothers simply reached out. This group of mothers noticed there was a need for a yoga offering dedicated to kiddos with special and unique abilities. We believed the samem and that is how one of our favorite regular offerings was born.
Regular Yoga Offerings
Movement is an important aspect of wellbeing. It is our body’s way of processing experience. Be.’s regular yoga offerings are designed to provide restorative and healing asanas, instructors that guide your personal journey by allowing the pose to be the teacher, and a strong focus on breathwork and mindfulness.
Unique Specialty Offerings
Our practitioners bring a wide array of personal backgrounds and expertise they love to share, and we’re always excited to partner with other professionals in our community. Together we occasionally offer unique specialty offerings that will not be held weekly on specific time and day, but are scheduled occasionally throughout the year as special opportunities.
(We can even create one for you!)
Child & Adolescent Groups
Groups are a powerful adjunct to mental health treatment. They can be enjoyed alone or in together with individual therapy. Groups provide children and adolescents with a healthy context to work through current concerns through positive peer interactions, building relationships, and developing prosocial skills. Groups help youth develop a sense of belonging and cohesiveness through peer connections, feedback, and support.
Getting Involved
If your child is receiving waiver support services and you are looking for ways to add complementary and alternative approaches to health and healing, like yoga therapy and speciality groups, to their treatment we’re always here to help.
The first and most important step of the process to use a Community Service Program Waiver is to fill out the form linked below. Providing all of the information requested will allow us to coordinate services with your waiver provider.
It is our core belief that every client should have access to individualized treatment so they have the opportunity to Be. seen accurately and Be. heard fully, so they can Be. healed deeply.