Be. offers diverse treatment options to allow for a comprehensive and holistic approach to your individual mental heath and healing needs to emerge. This approach helps ensure that you are seen for who you, where you are at, where you have been, and where you are going.
Animal Assisted Therapy
Animal-assisted therapy is a therapeutic intervention that incorporates animals into the treatment plan. It is used to enhance and complement the benefits of traditional therapy. Animals can provide a sense of calm, comfort, or safety and soothe stressful situations.
Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT uses a gentle tapping on the face and body while speaking specific phrases and focusing on issues of emotional intensity. This process allows release and neutralization of the strong emotions associated with the issues and events bringing the opportunity to re-frame them in a positive light.
Therapeutic Yoga
Therapeutic yoga engages the client through techniques such as movement, breath, meditation, and mindfulness on the yoga mat to address mental health needs and concerns that arise on and occur off the mat. Private Therapeutic Yoga can help evoke, encourage, and preserve unification of and balance in mind, body, and spirit. To find our more about how our therapeutic yoga works, please click here.
Guided Imagery
Guided imagery actively engages the client’s imagination and helps them envision numerous avenues to healing and growth.
Play Therapy
Is a treatment approach that allows children to communicate in a manner that feels authentic and genuine to who they are emotionally, physically, spiritually, and developmentally, PLAY!
Meditation has the power to restore equilibrium and teach the user how to relax in stressful and demanding situations. Practicing it regularly can have profound impacts on mental and physical health.
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change”
Psychological Services
Be. Healed
Be. sees the whole you. Our goal is to work collaboratively to identify root causes and build an individualized treatment plan that allows for identification of areas of growth. We treat the whole, considering all experiences and contexts that have brought you to our center. Treatment will emphasize a strengths-focus rather than a deficits model, identifying root issues while bolstering, promoting, and enhancing areas of strength. Personal empowerment and harnessing of strengths will bolster holistic health and healing.
Be. offers traditional psychological services along with adjunct complementary and alternative treatment options. We will ensure that any services recommended are appropriate and tailored to your unique concerns and needs.
Click on service options below to learn more about our Mental Health providers.
Carey Sorenson
Executive Clinical Director | Psychologist (PhD) | RYT-200 | Owner
Courtney Steuer
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) | Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC) | RYT-200
Be. Specialized
Unique, comprehensive continuity of care
Be. Specialized in an opportunity to consult with and coordinate services with the professionals at Be. in order to design and create a customized, uniquely-tailored individualized service structure or group offering for a child, family, group, organization, or unique population based on root cause analysis of concerns and results desired. Our individualized approach makes our services accessible to all. Be.’s group offerings and service menus can be templated to fit more generalized needs or created to serve and support more specialized interests, needs, and populations. Anyone in need of mental health and healing support is welcome to contact us for guidance.
Be. Schooled
Professional Mental Health Services for School Systems
Be. Schooled is a professional mental health support service that offers direct and indirect services to school systems to help support a healthy academic, social, and behavioral environment for students and staff. The goal of this process is to provide professional mental health guidance that will help your school district determine what services will best support the students. After direction is determined we can also help coordinate and deliver the appropriate support structure to address the needs present.
Be. Family
Customized, Integrated Family Support Services
Be.’s Family Support Services are individualized to the needs of the family being served and serve as a wrap-around approach to help the family unit function optimally based on needs present. These services will provide the family with strategies and education to enhance interpersonal and relational skills and increase support for parents/caregivers and children. They are appropriate for family dynamics that are struggling due to social, emotional, behavioral, and/or mental health challenges. This service can be used to also help families obtain additional services and navigate the complex systems that serve children.
Be. Child and Adolescent Groups
Groups are a powerful adjunct to mental health treatment. They can be enjoyed alone or in conjunction with individual therapy. Groups provide children and adolescents with a healthy context to work through current concerns through positive peer interactions, building relationships, and developing prosocial skills. Groups help youth develop a sense of belonging and cohesiveness through peer connections, feedback, and support.

Be. groups, unless specified as a ‘closed format,’ will be offered in a open format, meaning that they are open to anyone who fits the age-range specified and feels they may benefit from the area covered. In our groups we aim to establish a trusting and safe environment to allow for each individual to be heard, seen, and valued.
If you have questions on appropriateness based on your child’s needs, please contact us at
Be. Seen
A Mind Body Spirit Sibling Support Group designed for school-aged siblings of individuals with special and unique abilities and needs.
Siblings of children with these considerations can sometimes feel isolated, overlooked, and need a space for emotional support, cognitive processing, and body integration. We SEE you! That is why at Be. we offer a group designed specifically with those needs in mind.
Be. Accomplished
In today’s society, there’s pressure and added stress on youth and many times a skills deficit can be masked and present as demotivation, inattention, impulsivity, anger, silliness, or lack of interest. Our mission in this group is to identify and reach the areas of disconnect, build and enhance skill sets, and support positive behavioral and emotional growth.
An opportunity for children ages 3-6 and their parents or caregivers to connect in a peaceful, fun, holistic way. This group is focused on building open communication and quality bonding time, enhancing engagement, connection, and strengthening relationships through a few short and fun activities. (max 7 families)
A group for adolescents, ages 10-14, that's designed to help enhance overall wellbeing and adaptability while offering a supportive process for growing minds, where they can feel heard, validated, and included while learning and sharing new insights into how they experience stress patterns that appear during difficulty or conflict. The goal of this offering is to help enhance mind, body, and emotional regulation, which is vital during this important period of growth. (max 8)
A group designed for children ages 5 – 8 that provides a context for children to communicate in their preferred language, PLAY! Children have a natural ability to express feelings, form thought, and resolve conflict through spontaneous play or structured play activities such as role-playing, drawing, or board games. (max 6)
A group designed for children ages 9 – 12 that focuses on identifying and enhancing areas of strength. Each child is resilient in their own unique way. This group will illuminate resilient experiences and demonstrate additional strategies to cope with struggles and empower each participant to use those strengths and new skills to enhance areas of growth. (max 8)
A group designed for adolescent teens that focuses on helping them develop insight into, cope with, and process teen development, mental health concerns, and experiential and relational struggles in a supportive environment. Self-awareness work can help participants build accurate appraisal skills, insight into abilities, and implications of behavior. (max 8)
A yoga group designed to help youth process mental health concerns through movement. Our bodies hold our stories and movement can help integrate them. After an appropriate intake and assessment identified concerns, such as nervous energy or mood imbalances, will be addressed through yoga poses, affirmations, meditation, essential oils, and breathwork. Addressing specific needs through this approach can empower participants, help them overcome challenges by remaining present and grounded, and gain independence. complement this process. (max 10)
If you have any questions or are would like to determine if your child or adolescent may benefit from one of Be.’s groups, please contact us any time.