Be. Serene | Essential Oils for the Holidays

Be Serene Essential Oils for the Holidays Appleton Be

Join us for this free offering and Be. Serene as we explore the power of aroma and kindle the spirit of the holidays.

During this special offering we'll learn about essential oils that support and promote stress management and emotional well-being, health, and healing.

Everyone will receive a free holiday essential oil gift just for attending!

Particular areas of exploration:

Learn AromaTouch Hand Technique™

Learn how to support emotional balance using essential oils

Find out how to get a restful nights sleep, deter holiday stress and relational discord, and stabilize mood and promote a calm environment in your home.

Where: Be. // Center for Holistic Mental Health & Healing
Guided by Erica Dawn Page & Ann Obermeier
Cost: Free
Maximum Participants: 6

We encourage you to bring friends and family to make this extra fun and meaningful experience!

Fletcher Marron