Be. Intentional | Yoga for the New Year

Be Intentional Yoga for the New Year Appleton Be

Be. Intentional is all about being present.

2021 is on its way. Have you set your intentions for the New Year? Why not try something different this year and join us for Be. Intentional!

We'll begin by practicing a mindful yin/yang style of yoga to encourage balance and clarity so we can make room for real positive change and abundance in the year to come. Then we'll wind down the practice with a guided meditation through the cosmos where we will plan our intentions at the beginning of time and space.

Your guide will guide you through this all-levels practice in order to help balance body and mind and provide clarity for so that you feel confident and comfortable in your intentions. By supporting those intentions with focus, mindful movement, and the breath, we will set a solid foundation for, not only success in our endeavors, but peace of mind and joy while we pursue them. And we'll have fun doing it!

Where: Be. You Yoga Studio
Guided by Erica Rae Van Handel
Cost: $10
Maximum Participants: 6

Even if you're a New Years Resolutions fan and you've already got yours picked out for next year, this is the perfect opportunity to empower those resolutions with mindful action.

We encourage you to bring friends and family to make this extra fun!

YogaFletcher Marron