Be. Accomplished is a group dedicated to building the life skills vital to being successful and navigating life circumstances.
In today’s society, there’s pressure and added stress on youth and many times a skills deficit can be masked and present as demotivation, inattention, impulsivity, anger, silliness, or lack of interest. Our mission in this group is to identify and reach the areas of disconnect, build and enhance skill sets, and support positive behavioral and emotional growth. We aim to strengthen, empower, and improve life circumstances through specialized activities geared at practicing and enhancing these areas while working towards personal goals.
Further, this group will help your child alleviate stress and tension through engagement in activities that support self-regulation development, practice healthy coping skills, role-play healthy interpersonal interactions and boundary setting, and facilitate discussions about everyday life experiences.
We BElieve that if our youth feel skilled in daily living habits, practices, and routines they will inevitably feel more accomplished and flourish.
When | Thursday, November 16th at 5:00pm
Guided by | Jaycie Westphal
Location | Be. You Yoga Studio
Group Size | 8 - 10 participants
Age Range | Recommended 9 - 15 years of age
Fee | $50 per session
Special Information | This is a specialty offering
To Register
Pre-registration is required and limited to eight participants. Please visit the link below based on how you intend to register and let us know if you have any questions.
Using a funding waiver from CLTS or another provider?
Using a card or online payment provider?
This group is not intended to diagnose or treat but rather provide adjunct support to your child. This is an open group format which means we welcome new participants each week. The group members may change each session. With that, no matter how long your child attends, we ask that each participant respects the nature and sensitivity of the information that may be shared by upholding and respecting the confidentiality of the other members’ information.
At Be. we aim to make our offerings accessible for all who desire to attend. If you have special considerations that you feel you want to process please email Carey Sorenson at