Adding You to Be.'s Insurance

The following linked form is required for everyone who joins us at Be.

The information needed allows us to add you to our insurance. No matter whether you are an employee or independent contractor, this step is required.

However, please note that if you are an independent contractor, you must also provide proof of your own insurance to us as part of the onboarding process.

If you have any questions about what else may be required, please contact us.

Be. Insurance Policy Addition Form


The form can look a little bit confusing. Please note that some information specific to Be. has already been filled in near the top.

Please print out this form and add all of the required information. The form should be scanned and returned via email to Carey.

  1. Please add your full name

  2. Select either option ‘C’ or ‘E,’ as these are the only two options applicable

  3. If you are being hired as an Employee and you’ve purchased Professional Insurance in the past, please Check "No" for point A and "YES" for point B.

  4. Add date of graduation, if applicable

  5. Add degree attained, if applicable

  6. Add your specialty/ specialties and title

  7. Add licensure date, if applicable

  8. Leave blank - we will add and confirm

  9. Leave blank - we will add and confirm

  10. Add number of years in practice

  11. List services being performed on with/ on behalf of Be. (Please be as inclusive as possible for this question and add any prospective services you hope we may collaborate on.)

  12. If any of the boxes are applicable for a "YES" answer, please contact Carey

If there are any other areas where the information being requested does not apply, please complete each line with ‘NA.’

Please note that the signature line at the bottom is for Carey. This form does not require your signature or a date.